Feautured Home - Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Home Owners Association Fees?
As of July, 2002, the monthly fee for the Red Mountain Villages $50. The semi-annual fee for Red Moutain Ranch is $295. Total annual payments $1090.
See Red Mountain Ranch Owners Association for information about services provided.
What are the real estate taxes?
$1543.83 were paid in 2001. YTD payments
as of July 2002 $791.90. The Maricopa County Assessor's office as notfied the property owner of an 8% increase in the value for year 2003. It will not be increased for 2004. The taxes paid will be a factor of both the value and tax rates. See the Maricopa County Assessor parcel information. This does not reflect any homestead exemption.
When was the Featured Home built?
The current owner bought the home new in August, 1988.
What is the lot size?
4,970 ft2 per Maricopa Country Assessor's office